The introvert and shifting to some extroversion

Being almost a complete introvert, the subject has interested me a lot. The workings of the introvert versus the extrovert. Personally I like to explore these temperaments deeper than most. Most will say things like introverts need time alone to recharge, I do not like putting it that way, it sounds ridiculous. I do get it though, but I like to think I can be more than someone who needs to sit alone to start to feel better. Then they say extroverts are more outgoing, blah blah blah. That is true but it describes more the result end of these temperaments, not the initial workings of it. The better definition is the focus of energy, inward or outward. That sounds a little better. Now take that further and learn to have control over this focus, switch back and forth, that would be something to work towards. I am certainly not there yet, someday perhaps.

Today I only wanted to mention one aspect of the introvert. It is just a concept that came to mind. Extroverts, focusing on the outer world around them, will look to it for amusement or substance. This thought came to me while considering the use of hand held electronic devices, phones mostly, and the continuous use of them by people. You see, we tend to naturally go for the easy spark of amusement, in this case our phones, the fun in it, the dopamine pop, if you can think of it that way. Imagine being in public where you don’t know anyone, think in this case as an extrovert, you would look around your surroundings to find some substance to give that slight energy to your mind. Who’s entering the area, who’s speaking, what are the people wearing, not to judge or anything like that, just to take in the surroundings. Now imagine you have your phone, you got a message or you can look on its web browser or look at Facebook, what would you do, what would then be the easiest form of amusement? You see now how the outside surroundings take a second place to your handheld? So what do you do, you look at it, and play.

For the introvert, they do the same thing, we all do it. The outer world is not interesting at first glance, it is boring, if there is any substance or interest to it, it would require some effort to find it and get it out. For example, chatting to a stranger, that person could be much more interesting than your phone, but it takes work to initiate anything and have a discussion to find some interesting engagement.

Now imagine you take the phones away from both types of people, the extroverts then resort to engaging in the world around them, or if not engaging, then at least observing and being ready to partake in anything should it arise. Now take the phone away from the introvert and will not do the same, you know why, because in way, they still have their source of energy, substance, interest, or engagement… where?.. In their mind. This is where it helps to be aware of this, if you are an introvert. Things may happen around you, noise, people, events, whatever, but the introvert being so pacified by their inner mind will get annoyed at the things going on, or they might. You can maybe see where I am going with this.

This is just an observation I had but you can see the need for the shift away from the inner to the outer for the innie. When everyone is in a group and they are all looking at their phones only, we usually see this as silly, I mean engage each other right, real people, not the phone. Well the introvert has almost a built in phone, iPod, TV, etc., in their mind all the time. Point being, if you are an introvert, be aware of this, work toward shutting off that inner phone or TV and turn your focus outward to try and grab some engagement from the world around you.

Something to think about. With introvert awareness growing, there is a realization of it, then followed by resistance, meaning, ‘I am an introvert this is how I function, can you accommodate me’. When there is another step to this development, learn to manage the introvertedness and perhaps leave it sometimes and try to grow let’s say the weak side of your temperament.

2 thoughts on “The introvert and shifting to some extroversion

  1. I was thinking about this post today when I was with my toddler daughter and realized I hadn’t said anything to her for a good chunk of time; I was too into “my phone in my head” to be present with her. In other words, your observation really resonates with me. I would add that it would be good for extraverts to shift their focus inward at times, just as we introverts need to also remember to turn off the mind once in a while!

  2. It’s something most of us will never think of. There’s more than enough info on being present and it’s benefits. You are right, the general awareness of each temperament or type of person is so low considering how important these things are in understanding each other. A quiet person should not be seen as distant, but more embraced as maybe a thinker or creative person, and a louder person should just be observed (by introverts) as someone who is not looking to make us uncomfortable but they simply are seeking in their surroundings for some stimulation. Thanks.

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